Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 5 - Light, Shade and Shadow

1) Major homework:
    Please use four pieces of items from your everyday life to do a still life drawing. Examples are given below. Please select the items of different height and surface texture. Identify the direction of the light source and therefore you could identify which are the shading areas on the objects and what's the direction of the cast shadows. If necessary, please use a lamp as to intensify the power of the light source, where you can do a drawing that is defined by stronger brightness/darkness contrast.
    Please do this drawing on 14x17 sketchbook. Half-an-inch border. Pencils only. Draw as much detailed as you could.

2) Copy Sketch
    Please copy the following two sketches on your 9x12 sketchbook. Finish in pen.

3) Graphic Journal
    Please do one of the journals about something you usually do before you go to sleep at night, like reading a book, call your parents, watch movie, etc. As usual, for the other journal you are allowed to draw anything you are interested in.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 4 - Perspective Drawing 2

1) Major homework: archiecture building hallway drawing
    You can choose to do it on any floor in the building. Please use various kinds of graphic pencils to do the hallway drawing on 14x17" sketchbook. Please do this drawing using one-point perspective, and do it as you sit on site and observe, but not from a photograph of the site. Please do this drawing as much detailed as you could (perspective of the space, proportion of the objects, all the objects in your sight, including people, pinups on the wall, collumns and windows, materials of the objects and shading.) Here are some examples of this project.

2) Copy sketches
    Please use pens to copy the following two sketches on you 9x12 sketchbook.

3) Graphic journal
    On one of the journals, please field sketch one of your favorite buildings on campus. Please draw it as much detailed as you could. And as usual, do the other journal anything you would like. Remember text and date on both journals.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 3 - Perspective Drawing 1

A. Major homework:
    Please use wooden graphic pencil (HB or 2B) or graphite stick to draw the arch structure (including the low walls) on south side of the Rec Center from 3 different point-of-views. Please do this on the 14x17 sketchbook. Please grasp accurate shape of your drawing object, as you see from the chosen point of view. Draw as much detail as you could.

B. Copy sketches:
    Please choose to copy one of the following one-point perspective drawings.

C. Graphic journal:
    Please do draw your dorm room or apartment living room for one of the journals using one point perspective. And for the other journal, draw anything you would like to. Please always do the drawings to your full potential and ability. Text and date are needed. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 2 - Form and Space

A. Main homework:
Please do 3 positive/negative space drawings as we talked about in class today.

B. Copy sketches:
Please copy from the following two sketches on your 9x12 sketch book. Please use pens and markers. Pay attention to the thicknesses and darkness of different lines (it is called "Line Weight"). Erase all pencil lines when finish.

C. Graphic journals

1) Please do one of the journals using positive/nagative space to draw one of your meals. Positive spce use creative patter, and negative space use solid black please. Erase all pencil lines when finish.

2) Please do another journal anything you wish. Please do this drawing to your full potential. Don't forget to put text and date.